White Willow Bark Extract
Specification:Salicin 15%-99%
Test Method:HPLC

Name: White willow extract
Plant original:Salix alba L.

Specifications: 15~99% Saliciin     by HPLC

Molecular Formula: C13H18O7

Molecular Mass: 286.29

White willow extract CAS No.: 138-52-3

Indications and Uses

Salicin is closely related in chemical make-up to aspirin and has a very similar action in the human body. When consumed, it is metabolized to salicylic acid.

Salicin safely be taken long-term at recommended doses. Higher than commonly recommended doses of this herb can cause stomach upset, nausea, or tinnitus (ringing in the ears). If any of these reactions develop. Stop taking the herb.
Avoid white willow bark, which can irritate the stomach, if you are sensitive to aspirin, or if you have an ulcer or other gastrointestinal disorder.

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